Category: Iodine

  • What are the proven health benefits of iodine?

    What are the proven health benefits of iodine?

    Iodine is an essential mineral that your body needs to function properly. Most importantly, your thyroid gland uses it to form hormones responsible for maintaining body growth and metabolism [1]. Unfortunately, about a third of the world’s population is known to have a deficiency in iodine [2]. During the past few years, several campaigns have…

  • What Should You Know About Iodine Deficiency?

    What Should You Know About Iodine Deficiency?

    Iodine is a trace mineral that is essential for human health. It is found in soil and water. It is necessary to produce thyroid hormones, which maintain almost every process in the human body. Iodine deficiency is much more common than you think it is. According to a recent statistical analysis, around 1.9 million people…

  • 5 Benefits of Himalayan Salt: How This Pink Salt Can Improve Your Health

    5 Benefits of Himalayan Salt: How This Pink Salt Can Improve Your Health

    Benefits of Himalayan salt have been recognized for centuries, and it’s no surprise why. This pink salt is packed with minerals and has been found to offer numerous health benefits. From improved respiratory function to better skin health, Himalayan salt has a lot to offer. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top benefits…

  • What Wonders Can Potassium Iodide Do for Your Health?

    What Wonders Can Potassium Iodide Do for Your Health?

    Potassium iodide (KI) is often touted in nuclear or radiological emergencies as a miracle drug. It protects the thyroid gland from radiation exposure. As a result, it has been included in emergency response kits worldwide. Despite its well-known benefits, there remains some ambiguity about the versatile uses of potassium iodide. Therefore, this article will explore…

  • What Is Colloidal Iodine?

    What Is Colloidal Iodine?

    Colloidal iodine refers to a suspension of microscopic iodine particles in a liquid base, typically water or alcohol. It is often used as a dietary supplement for iodine supplementation purposes. What should you look for in a Colloidal Iodine supplement There are simple things to look for when choosing a colloidal iodine supplement. Why does…

  • Iodine Poisoning: What Are the Symptoms of Iodine Toxicity?

    Iodine Poisoning: What Are the Symptoms of Iodine Toxicity?

    Iodine Poisoning: Symptoms of iodine toxicity include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a metallic taste in the mouth, throat soreness, excessive thirst, and potentially severe symptoms such as thyroid dysfunction or electrolyte imbalances. What causes iodine toxicity? According to the 2018 annual American Association of Poison Control Center report, 1537 cases were reported due to…

  • Which Is a Better Carrier of Iodine Glycerin vs. Alcohol?

    Which Is a Better Carrier of Iodine Glycerin vs. Alcohol?

    Iodine Glycerin vs. Alcohol: Alcohol is generally considered a better carrier of iodine compared to glycerin. Alcohol allows for better iodine dispersion and penetration, making it more effective in delivering iodine to the intended area. Can you take pure iodine in your diet? It is unsafe to consume iodine in its pure elemental form as…

  • When Should You Use Iodine Supplements?

    When Should You Use Iodine Supplements?

    When Should You Use Iodine Supplements: Iodine supplements should be used when there is a diagnosed iodine deficiency or when advised by a healthcare professional based on individual needs and specific health conditions. Why is iodine essential? Iodine is essential for thyroid gland function. Important thyroid functions include the regulation of: It also plays a…

  • Iodized Salt: What Is It, and What Are Its Benefits?

    Iodized Salt: What Is It, and What Are Its Benefits?

    Salt is an essential part of the human diet and has many benefits. Iodized salt contains potassium iodide, which is essential for the body. Iodine is vital for pregnant women because it helps prevent congenital disabilities of the brain and nervous system. A deficiency of iodine is a significant public health problem worldwide. Iodine deficiency…

  • Iodine and Radiation: The Powerful Benefits of This Dynamic Duo

    Iodine and Radiation: The Powerful Benefits of This Dynamic Duo

    Iodine is an essential trace mineral required for maintaining good health. Since the human body cannot produce iodine alone, we must consume it through iodized salt, seaweed, supplements, and fortified foods containing iodine. You might be thinking about how iodine and radiation are related. It’s easy. Iodine can exist in the radioactive form, which is…

  • Radioactive Iodine Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

    Radioactive Iodine Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

    Radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism is a standard and effective procedure. This treatment involves taking a pill or liquid form of radioactive iodine. Later, it gets absorbed by the thyroid gland and destroys the abnormal thyroid tissue. Radioactive iodine treatment is generally safe and effective. Still, it can also have side effects, such as temporary…

  • What Is the Connection Between Iodine And Hair Loss?

    What Is the Connection Between Iodine And Hair Loss?

    Connection Between Iodine and Hair Loss; Iodine deficiency can contribute to hair loss. Adequate iodine levels are necessary for proper thyroid function, and an underactive thyroid due to iodine deficiency can lead to hair thinning and loss. Why does your body need Iodine? Iodine is a trace mineral that your body can not synthesize. It…